Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Take a look inside your grocery cart - it's a tell tale sign on how you shop and eat! The perimeters are usually the fresh, clean foods while the interior isles are the ones that are processed and loaded with artificial anything and preservatives. Yes, there are some good things in the interior isles - but you have a ton of temptations and the ability to make the wrong choice (can you say Mrs Butterworth's vs Pure maple syrup? We're talking $2.25 vs $9 sometimes). The better choice is of course there maple syrup - but the cost is what gets us. Fill your carts with fruits, vegetables, potatoes, dairy, seafood, meats and poultry first. Then go get your grains, oats, nuts and seeds. Your cart will be fuller and you will be less tempted to throw in cereals, cookies, crackers. You'll eat cleaner AND save money. And here's a tip: If you're craving a vegetable or fruit that is not currently IN SEASON - buy the frozen version. Fruits & veggies sometimes travel thousands of miles to get to our grocery stores and their nutritional value has already started to deplete. Frozen fruits and veggies are prepared at their peak! ‪#‎winning‬

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

My Master's Hammer & Chisel Results are In!

My Results are in and I'm here to share them with you!  For 52 days I had a standing date with #Autumn Calabrese, #Sagi Kalev and my Beachbody fitfam doing their new program The Master's Hammer and Chisel.

This program was not easy for me - but it was exceptionally rewarding.  There were days that I laughed, improved, grunted, groaned and yes, cried.  Every day I tried to push myself to do my best and I would say that on most days I did that.  What I didn't do was follow the meal plan 100% and I am now regretting it.  I can tell you I was about a 75-80%er and that's just not good enough - even though I'm happy with my results.  I look at these pictures, I see results with toning and definition and can't believe I was too stubborn to follow the meal plan!  Beachbody gives you the entire package for your success for a reason:  it works.   You get the program, you get the MEAL PLAN and you get support.  Use it.

At 52 I'm not trying to get into a bikini - I just want to continue to be the healthiest I can.  That includes workouts almost daily and proper nutrition!  With this program we had days that we lifted heavy (the hammer) and days that we did cardio (the chisel) and days with both with a rest day once per week - much needed, by the way!

Here are my official measurements:

As you can see, my weight increased by .2 lbs - I'm ok with that!  I am down 3.75 inches!  As women we are too attached to the number on the scale.  Through this program, I have learned to not rely on that - the real barometer of our health is how we feel in our clothes, how we feel physically and yes, how we feel mentally!  I'm finally getting good at all three!  I'm stronger, I could last longer with my cardio and I feel good in my skin.

The meal plan followed the color coded portion controlled container system - and I am getting back to it!  I thought I was a pretty good judge at what I was putting into my body but without the containers - I was not a good judge at how MUCH I was putting into it - that's the key.

What did I learn from this program?

*  I learned that lifting heavy for women does not equal bulk!
*  I learned to trust the process.  There were definite days that I didn't and I was wrong!
*  I learned that I loved the Beachbody Performance line while doing this intense of a program.                Energize helped me power through when I didn't have my coffee and the Results and recovery seriously combatted my muscle soreness.   There were days I skipped these and I felt it!
*  I learned NOT to be a slave to the scale.  My weight went up, down, up, up, down...
*  I learned that I am the only person who can break down the walls that I've built around myself - this program was as much mental as it was physical and I am stronger for it - physically & mentally.
*  I learned most importantly to stop comparing my self to others.  This is my body - the only one I've got - and I'm the only one responsible to taking care of it.  

I loved this program for so many different reasons but I am ready to move on!

I think one of the reasons why people don't achieve there complete goal is they get bored or too used to a particular program and I am no exception.  I'm ready to start our newest challenge The 22 Minute Hard Corps Bootcamp style workout - why don't you join me!  This total body workout kicked my butt the first day I was able to test it and I have been looking forward to it ever since!  Email me at if you'd like some information.

If you've been considering trying The master's Hammer & Chisel Workout or any Beachbody program I hope my little bit of insight helps you :)