Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Take a look inside your grocery cart - it's a tell tale sign on how you shop and eat! The perimeters are usually the fresh, clean foods while the interior isles are the ones that are processed and loaded with artificial anything and preservatives. Yes, there are some good things in the interior isles - but you have a ton of temptations and the ability to make the wrong choice (can you say Mrs Butterworth's vs Pure maple syrup? We're talking $2.25 vs $9 sometimes). The better choice is of course there maple syrup - but the cost is what gets us. Fill your carts with fruits, vegetables, potatoes, dairy, seafood, meats and poultry first. Then go get your grains, oats, nuts and seeds. Your cart will be fuller and you will be less tempted to throw in cereals, cookies, crackers. You'll eat cleaner AND save money. And here's a tip: If you're craving a vegetable or fruit that is not currently IN SEASON - buy the frozen version. Fruits & veggies sometimes travel thousands of miles to get to our grocery stores and their nutritional value has already started to deplete. Frozen fruits and veggies are prepared at their peak! ‪#‎winning‬

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

My Master's Hammer & Chisel Results are In!

My Results are in and I'm here to share them with you!  For 52 days I had a standing date with #Autumn Calabrese, #Sagi Kalev and my Beachbody fitfam doing their new program The Master's Hammer and Chisel.

This program was not easy for me - but it was exceptionally rewarding.  There were days that I laughed, improved, grunted, groaned and yes, cried.  Every day I tried to push myself to do my best and I would say that on most days I did that.  What I didn't do was follow the meal plan 100% and I am now regretting it.  I can tell you I was about a 75-80%er and that's just not good enough - even though I'm happy with my results.  I look at these pictures, I see results with toning and definition and can't believe I was too stubborn to follow the meal plan!  Beachbody gives you the entire package for your success for a reason:  it works.   You get the program, you get the MEAL PLAN and you get support.  Use it.

At 52 I'm not trying to get into a bikini - I just want to continue to be the healthiest I can.  That includes workouts almost daily and proper nutrition!  With this program we had days that we lifted heavy (the hammer) and days that we did cardio (the chisel) and days with both with a rest day once per week - much needed, by the way!

Here are my official measurements:

As you can see, my weight increased by .2 lbs - I'm ok with that!  I am down 3.75 inches!  As women we are too attached to the number on the scale.  Through this program, I have learned to not rely on that - the real barometer of our health is how we feel in our clothes, how we feel physically and yes, how we feel mentally!  I'm finally getting good at all three!  I'm stronger, I could last longer with my cardio and I feel good in my skin.

The meal plan followed the color coded portion controlled container system - and I am getting back to it!  I thought I was a pretty good judge at what I was putting into my body but without the containers - I was not a good judge at how MUCH I was putting into it - that's the key.

What did I learn from this program?

*  I learned that lifting heavy for women does not equal bulk!
*  I learned to trust the process.  There were definite days that I didn't and I was wrong!
*  I learned that I loved the Beachbody Performance line while doing this intense of a program.                Energize helped me power through when I didn't have my coffee and the Results and recovery seriously combatted my muscle soreness.   There were days I skipped these and I felt it!
*  I learned NOT to be a slave to the scale.  My weight went up, down, up, up, down...
*  I learned that I am the only person who can break down the walls that I've built around myself - this program was as much mental as it was physical and I am stronger for it - physically & mentally.
*  I learned most importantly to stop comparing my self to others.  This is my body - the only one I've got - and I'm the only one responsible to taking care of it.  

I loved this program for so many different reasons but I am ready to move on!

I think one of the reasons why people don't achieve there complete goal is they get bored or too used to a particular program and I am no exception.  I'm ready to start our newest challenge The 22 Minute Hard Corps Bootcamp style workout - why don't you join me!  This total body workout kicked my butt the first day I was able to test it and I have been looking forward to it ever since!  Email me at if you'd like some information.

If you've been considering trying The master's Hammer & Chisel Workout or any Beachbody program I hope my little bit of insight helps you :)

Thursday, February 11, 2016

It's that wonderful time of the year again - Girl Scout Cookie Time!  If you're trying to watch your weight, or perhaps gave up sweets for Lent do not despair!  You can order these cookies from the cutie pie girl scout troops and have them ship the packages to our men and women serving in our armed forces over seas!  You're helping two causes then - and not blowing your diet!  To help you curb those cravings though - enjoy these two Girls Scout Cookie Shakeology recipes!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

It's Hammer & Chisel Time!


I am officially 9 days into the program and I couldn't be more happier!  I get the best of all of my worlds - Autumn Calabrese from my previous favorite program, The 21 Day Fix, Sagi Kalev with Body Beast whom I've always wanted to train with (I was kinda scared) and keeping up with my favorite portion controlled color coded containers for proper eating!  

The program is set up that every other day we're following these two Master trainers with Autumn and her cardio chiseling weights and then Sagi and his hammering body sculpting.  I. Love. It.  It pushes me every day to lift heavier and move faster - and I am not bulking up!

I am noticing that with each workout I am getting stronger!  When I first began I did my pull-ups (they're in just about every routine so far) I needed to use all three of my assist bands.  I would HIGHLY recommend getting them if you have a pull up bar.  Within one week I was able to do most of them with 2 bands - that's a huge victory for me!!!

Yes, I'm kinda sore!  But it's such a good feeling for me!  Beachbody's new performance line has helped me a lot with combating that soreness though.  I was skeptical - I thought it was just another product to sell or another "gadget and gizmo" as Tony Horton would call it - but here's how I know.  I started The Master's Hammer and Chisel during the holidays and quit December 28 because we went on a trip.  I had been using the chocolate recovery after my workouts during that week that I had initially started and wasn't that sore.  When we came back from our trip and started up again - FROM THE BEGINNING - with The Master group on Facebook I just didn't use them.  And I was S.O.R.E.  So 4 days into the new week I decided to use them - and I feel great!  My husband is choosing not to use them.  One of us is awfully whiney - guess which one ;).

The Performance line has 4/5 options of things you can use.  I use the Energizer first thing instead of my coffee (It seems like I've put food in my stomach with it's citrus flavor).  It helps me really push through!  You take that before your workout up to 1/2 hour.  There is Hydrate to drink during your workouts but I just drink water.  For men who want to really build bulk there is Creatine - I really stay away from that - no bulky lady here, just toned :).  Then, after the workout there is Recovery - I drink that and that is what helps to rebuild my torn muscles and take away some of my aches.  I love it - it tastes like cold hot chocolate to me.  I've been noticing that the more I drink it, the less pain my muscles are feeling - and I'm increasing my weights!  At night there is a drink called Recharge.  This is where the magic is supposed to happen - this vanilla flavored drink is supposed to help repair the micro tears in your muscles and help you get a good nights sleep.  Sleep is so important when doing a rigorous workout such as this!  That's it!

So far I am very happy with everything!  The meal plan since it's the color coded containers from The 21 Day Fix has been really easy to follow.  It doesn't hurt that smart phones have these amazing apps to help you track your foods!  I love trying all of these different programs and was so excited while at SUMMIT last July that they announced this one - it does NOT DISAPPOINT!  

If you have any questions about this program please let me know - I'll be updating my progress here as well!  In my first week I:  lost 1 lb and 2.5 inches overall.  I'll take it!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Master's Hammer & Chisel

                 The Master's

                                     Hammer & Chisel

People let me tell you 'bout my best friend...The new Master's Hammer & Chisel.  Let me tell you - this program is going to be game changing for so many of us!  I thought I'd give a few workouts a try and I am HOOKED!!!  Now I can't wait for my next challenge group to start!  

Beachbody took two of their Master trainers Autumn Calabrese, creator of The 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme and the Beast himself,  Sagi Kalev, to create a knockout punch of a program - designed to sculpt, define and build our bodies!

This 60 day program will get you the results you want in a short amount of time.  You might think that when you walk into a gym and see someone in shape vs someone who is REALLY BUFF that the difference is the amount of time they spend lifting - WRONG!  The secret to getting these extraordinary results isn't about the time and intensity you put in, it's about the approach.  That's where The Master's Hammer & Chisel comes in!  It incorporates SSP Training - Stabilization, Strength and Power.  No two workouts are alike (well, maybe a few).  They start with building your balance (Stabilization).  Then comes the strength (the weights) and next the power - combining both.  It also follows Autumn's color coded containers for your nutrition plan to help you get the best results!  Beachbody has covered every corner to help you get your maximum results!

Day 1 was Chisel Balance with Autumn.  I loved it and needed it - because my balance was zero!  It works on core strength, muscular endurance and creates stabilization for you to be able to move on.  You can do it at your own pace and I was tired and sore by the time the 40 minutes were up.  Bingo!  Something's working!

Day 2 was with Sagi :  Hammer Plyometrics.  It was only 20 minutes long - I say only because I had nothing left in me!  This jump training workout used my ENTIRE body creating force, speed and power.   Buddha Squat Jumps were amazingly hard yet leaving you feel so satisfied with yourself!

Day 3 was back to Autumn with ISO Strength Chisel - an intense resistance workout using isometric holds and flexibility to increase strength.  Phew!

Day 4 is a rest day and I, for one, was glad!

The nutrition guide helps you with your goal whether you want to build muscle, maintain your current weight or lean out.  I think I'm going to build muscle.  I'm good with my weight right now, and hey, I like to eat and you get to eat more!

Here's a little preview of one of the moves - sorry if I'm out of breath - it happens!

We're getting challengers ready for our next accountability/success group - why don't you join us?  This might not be the easiest workout you've ever done - but it's not supposed to be.  You want to get Chiseled, right?  We're looking for couples (what better way to show you love each other than to improve on your health TOGETHER) or singles - it doesn't matter - we just want you to get healthy!  

Message me to get started!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Week one - done!!!

Whelp!  Week one of the 21 Day Fix Extreme is completed, survived and in the books!  I will be honest, I had a couple of adjustments I had to do - both physical and with my attitude!  Everyone knows how much I LOOOOVED The 21 Day Fix and was so excited for The 21 Day Fix Extreme!  But when I went to push play, I was not, let's say, thrilled.  I don't know - maybe it was the format.  Maybe it was that it just wasn't my old love.  Maybe it was the darn pink band!  I felt like I was spending too much time with a crooked dog's head watching and not doing (HUH?).  Then I remembered - THIS IS WHAT IT'S ALWAYS LIKE WHEN I START A NEW PROGRAM!  Phew, for a minute there last week I was kinda sad.

Let's talk about the Format.  Still actually, kinda the same.  4-5 rounds, 2 exercises each round.  (I think I just channeled my inner Autumn...)  The exercises each last 1 minute - technically.  See with the extreme, the first 30 seconds is always with weights, the second 30 seconds, with..weights, albeight lighter ones!  Or the pink band!  Sometimes we dropped them.  Don't let this scare you like it did me!  The routines are awesome, you feel the burn.  It goes by quickly!  You have bloopers  trying to wrap the band correctly - see?  Her workouts are fun!!!  But they're also tough.  That's why it's called the EXTREME!

The meal plan seemed to be my biggest hurdle this time - I wanted to do the Extreme workout with no treats - no chocolate.  Alas - that meant no Godiva Chocolate I was given for Valentines Day.  Didn't happen.  I tried to limit myself to one or two pieces each day, but it was GODIVA for Pete's sake!  Here was my solution and I am so sorry...

It's really not as bad as it looks - we ate (by we I mean me) all of the really good ones.  And that's the little bit of butter toffee that I had left but it all had to go because I gave it the good college try for a week and failed daily.  I'm actually kind of glad to learn that I'm human.

I did the workouts religiously every day and felt the burn every day - I loved it!  When your muscles are sore from a new workout it's your body telling you it's working!  That's what I LOVE about all of the Beachbody programs!  I had just finished Insanity Max 30 and totally thought I was going to kick some ass but nope - they decided to kick mine!

I only lost one pound but with seriously not following the eating plan all week I am SO GOOD with that!  Look above what 1 pound looks like!   I think too many times we become slaves to the scale and starve ourselves into weight loss.  If I can still eat, workout and continue to go downward on the scale I. am. happy!  I also lost 2 inches in my body so it is all good here!  The recipes, as usual are very good!  Enjoy this one for Hearty Beef and Butternut Squash Stew!

Stay tuned for more progress next week!  I'm doing the more difficult meal plan countdown to competition to REALLY dial in my meal plan to make up for last week!  Wish me luck!

Monday, February 9, 2015

3 Day Refresh Recap

I did it!  I took three days out of my busy schedule to concentrate on me!  And you know what?  It was easy!  I didn't need to take 3 days off - I went about my busy schedule like I normally do.  No having to hang around the house close to the bathroom.  NO being held up in my bedroom away from the kitchen because I was starving.  Nope - life went on as usual!

I wanted to lose a little weight and feel great.  I wanted to lose the bloat and eliminate animal products from my system to give it a break.  I wanted to lose the "heavy" feeling I had in my gut and that's just what I did.

This is not a system where you can't eat - in fact you start your morning with lemon water, then your Shakeology.  It's a dense, super food nutritional meal replacement that really keeps you full and satisfied.  I also was able to eat a serving of fruit with it.  The Shakeology has a vegan friendly, plant based protein in it and is really delicious!

Mid morning I was able to have a fiber sweep.  It wasn't bad tasting but was fiber none the less.  No running to the bathroom but it did keep me full and prevented me from having a mid morning sugar crash!  Mix it with COLD water and drink it QUICK - otherwise it gets too thick!

LUNCH!  For lunch I got to start with a veggie serving (the refresh guide tells you how much), another helping of fruit and a healthy fat like hummus, almond butter, avocado.  I switched between hummus with my veggies or almond butter with an apple.  The healthy fat helps to give you energy and keep you full.  I also got to drink a vanilla fresh shake for dessert - yum!  Loaded with another plant based protein!

Afternoon snack:  Another vegetable serving with another healthy fat.  One day it was veggies & hummus,  one day it was almond butter and celery sticks and one day it was a spinach salad with olive oil, sea salt and pepper.  All very good!

Now I'm ready for dinner!  The 3 day refresh gives you 9 different recipes so you don't get bored.  Yes, it was veggies and yes it was delicious!  I also got a vanilla fresh again.

I drank plenty of water throughout the day to help flush out toxins and keep me hydrated and full.

A couple of tricks:  cut back on your coffee intake before you start since you can't drink caffeine on this plan.  Drink plenty of water between all of your meals and snacks to keep you hydrated so you don't get a headache (I did get a slight one on day 2).  Drink Fiber Sweep as fast as you can!

I know I only lost 2.4 lbs but I am happy with that.  I am a pretty clean eater to begin with but could NOT get past all the holiday binging.  I just needed this to get me back on track and I have been able to make healthier choices ever since.  Yes, I do indulge and I'm perfectly ok with that - I wasn't ok with not being able to wrap my head around not indulging multiple times throughout the day though!

I love this program and will probably continue to do it every other month just to keep my body fine tuned.  They are machines and remember everything we plug into it.  I'm just going to look at it like an oil change!