Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Becoming Clean

Are you tired of the brain fog you've been under?  Our diets can do that to us!  We need to remember that food is fuel and we aren't going to get good mileage on this journey called life with crappy gas! It's time for a change.  Let's clean out our engines and get serious about our health.  Fill up on good old fashioned CLEAN food.  Rev up your engines and take the steps below to start eating clean!

What is clean eating?
     The soul of clean eating is eating food in it's most natural state, or as close to it as possible.  Simple ingredients - no additives or preservatives.  This isn't a diet - it's a lifestyle approach to food and it's preparation.  One. meal. at. a. time.

Eat multiple, small meals.
     You heard that right!  Eat three meals and two to three small snacks a day!  Include a lean protein, complex carbohydrate and plenty of fruits & vegetables with each meal.  This keeps your body energized, your blood sugar level and your body burning calories efficiently all day long.

If you can, make your meats, eggs, dairy and veggies organic whenever possible.

Drink at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water EACH DAY!  There is nothing better to hydrate you than water - it keeps you alert, curbs your hunger and gives you less wrinkles😊.

Get savvy with labels.  If you can't pronounce it, it's not clean!  Clean foods contain a short ingredient list.

Avoid all processed and refined foods: this includes sugar, white flour, breads & pasta.  Enjoy complex carbs such as whole grains instead.  Brown rice, millet & quinoa are good choices.

Know your enemies!  Steer clear of fried food, and foods high in sugar and saturated and transport fats.

Eat healthy fats.  Avocados are a good choice!  So are nuts, seeds, olive oil & fatty fish such as Salmon.

Learn about correct portion sizes and strive to eat them.

Eat local and in-season produce.

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