Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Breakfast of Champions

We have all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of your day.  It "breaks" the "fast" that your body's been in all night while sleeping.  But eating breakfast seems. so. early...

If you have a tough time squeezing it in like I do, here are some quick breakfast ideas to help you jump-start your day!

If you're familiar with The Beach Body Programs then you've probably heard about Shakeology.  It's my daily dose of dense nutrition.  It has over 70 Superfoods in it, protein, simple&complex carbs  and gives your body the nutrition it needs to power through your morning.  It's not a protein drink, although it does contain around 17 grams per serving - it's a meal replacement drink that comes in 4 flavors:  Vanilla, Greenberry, Chocolate & Strawberry.  It also comes in 2 vegan varieties:  Chocolate Vegan & Tropical Strawberry.  It is made with all organic, low glycemic ingredients and as a meal replacement is considered clean.  It's incredibly quick, tasty, convenient & I drink it everyday!  If you'd like to hear more about Shakeology, click here.

Measure a 1/2 cup organic, dry oatmeal in a bowl.  Pour 1cup of boiling water over it and let steep for 3-5 minutes.  Top with plain greek yogurt, fresh berries & a drizzle of natural honey.

Overnight Oatmeal
It doesn't get any quicker than this!  Assemble the night before, heat in your microwave and enjoy!
1/2 Cup old fashioned oats
1 TBSP sunflower seeds
1TBSP of dried cranberries, blueberries or cherries
3/4 cup of skim milk (or milk of choice).  Mix it up, cover and refrigerate.  Heat in the morning!

Banana Wrap
Take a whole grain bread wrap and spread it with natural peanut butter (the kind with peanuts & salt - no added sugar like JIF).  Add in sliced bananas & top with cinnamon.  Roll up and enjoy!

Eggwhite scramble
Eggwhites are the power protein of the egg!  There is always a debate going if you should eat the yolk or not.  I think the yolk is a good, healthy fat and can play a role in clean eating.  If you don't think you can do just the whites, add 1 whole egg to 4 whites.  Scramble it up with a little oil spray, salt & pepper.  Top with a fresh tomato slice and avocado, or plop it all on a whole grain piece of toast like Ezekial Sprouted bread.  Try the Ezekial Raisin bread to add just a little sweetness to this sandwich!

We all know eating a healthy diet is important, but let's not forget about exercise!  It is the best anti-depressant we know of and the most underutilized.  Take time during your day to MOVE!  Go for a  walk, ride a bike or do a workout routine.  The only piece of exercise equipment we really need is a good pair of sneakers!  You can challenge yourself to do planks during commercials - we're just sitting there anyhow, or how about sit-ups or tricep dips off of your coffee table.  Be creative - you're body doesn't care where it gets it's exercise - just that it does!

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