Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Have you ever wondered what Beachbody coaching was all about?  I was out to dinner with some of my friends that I haven't seen in a while and they had no idea.  They thought that I went to people's houses to train them, or that I was all about the sale.  It's my fault that my own friends didn't know so I'm here to change that!

Do I go to your house and make you workout?  Nope.  Do I guilt you into doing 10 extra pushups because you had a piece of cake?  Nope.  Do I constantly bug you to buy from my site?   Nope.

Then, what do I do as a Beachbody coach?  I simply help you achieve the gift of better health.  I give you the tools you need to succeed at your fitness, health and weight loss goals.  I find a workout and nutrition plan that best works for you.  I support you.  I challenge you.  I celebrate your successes with you and yes, I help to figure out a better way from the failures with you.

Is coaching for everyone?  YES!

It's for the person who needs to supplement their existing income to help pay bills.

It's for the person who doesn't need the extra cash but likes the perks it brings you!

It's for the person who likes to help people and wants to help end the trend of obesity.  #endthetrend

It's for the person who likes social media, keeping in touch with their old friends and making many, many new ones!

It's for the person who is disciplined and likes a great challenge - you know, something to do.

It's for the person who is undisciplined and needs the guidance and accountability of the Beachbody community.

It's for you, and it DEFINITELY is for me.

When I began as a coach, I also had no idea what they did.  I did not want to rely on my friends and family to make my sales.  Been there, done that.  My coach assured me that I didn't need to.  Jim and I both drank Shakeology daily and we were simply looking for a way to save a few bucks.  Enter coaching.  I started out as a discount coach.  I still worked out almost every day like I had for years and started drinking my Shakeology.  Something started to happen - people started to notice.  What are you doing they'd ask.  I simply told them.  Where do I get it they asked.  I simply told them.  I then realized that I was carrying around something they wanted - confidence.  I didn't hard sell them on anything,  I just simply was a product of the product and they wanted in.

I love what I do as a coach!  I get to help people every day feel better about themselves.  I get to help people every day learn the basics of clean eating,  challenge groups and regain their own confidence through working out.  I started this at 51 years young and am loving every minute of it!  I love the new confident,  stronger and more fit me.  I love that I can relate to other people my age with the struggles it takes to lose the weight.  I love that people trust me.

             But what I love most about coaching is that I make a difference - wouldn't you agree?

              Yes, Beachbody coaching definitely is for me - let me know if you think it's for you!

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