Thursday, January 1, 2015

JANUARY 1, 2015

I'm sitting here not on the edge of awesome and bombdiggity, but on the edge of dissappointment in a way.  2014 was a fabulous year for me.  My daughter got married, I lost 12 lbs,  I started my own Beachbody business and helped so many people with their fitness goals, I met so many new people and made new friends - life is good.  But the truth is for me, I could have ended 2014 better.  Yep, it's confession time.  I did really good - until I didn't.  Like so many people I know, the journey on fitness came to a screeching halt - called excuses.  Thanksgiving didn't do me in, Birthday dinners didn't do me in - neither did Christmas or New Years celebrations.  I did me in.  I got comfortable.  I mailed it in.  I made the decisions that I wouldn't have made 6 months ago while in the midst of my journey.  I put the 5th cookie in my mouth, or ordered that extra pomegranate martini.  I ate when I wasn't hungry and I was the one who skipped my workouts.  All me.  All excuses.  The successes were all me but so were the failures.

2015 will be all me as well and I'm going all in!  2014 introduced me to so many wonderful things and people and I couldn't be more grateful.  I have goals that are set.  I will achieve them.  I've grown a lot in 2014 and can only imagine that I will grow even more this new year.

I'm not big on resolutions because I was never able to keep them - heck, I can't even finish the 40 days of Lent!  This year though, I'm making REALSOLUTIONS.  

1.  My #1 goal is to quit hiding behind my insecurities and being afraid to hear the word no.  That's all it is - a word!  No biggie, right?  It's not no - you're an idiot.  It's not no - get away from me you freak.  It's just no.  No not now.   No thank you - that's not so bad now, is it?

2.  My #2 goal is to definitely build my Beachbody business.  It has made me grow in confidence in so many ways and I look forward to seeing what the next year brings!  It's scary for me but I'm up for the challenge!  And overcoming goal #1 is the catalyst for this!

3.  My #3 goal is to continue on my fitness journey. I still have 10 lbs that I would like to lose and abs that I would like to see , and I will lose & see them by June 1 - mark my words.

4.  My #4 goal is to volunteer more.  I feel that my life has been so blessed in so many ways and I want to, in some small way, pay it forward.

5.  My #5 goal is to recommit myself to my Faith.  My Faith has never wavered, but my church going certainly has.

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