Tuesday, September 16, 2014

All of this talk about Clean Eating and a healthy lifestyle leads to this next post:  EXERCISE!  It is one of the most important things we can do for our bodies.  We know it's good for us, but why?

It controls our weight.  Along with a clean eating diet, exercise helps prevent weight gain and maintain a weight loss.  Exercise burns calories, and the more intense, the more you burn.  30 minutes a day is all we really need.

It combats health conditions like heart disease, strokes, type 2 diabetes, depression, arthritis - the list goes on.  Being active boosts HDL, or your "good" cholesterol which decreases unhealthy the ones and keeps your blood flowing smoothly.

It improves our mood.  Feeling better about our appearances boosts our confidence and self-esteem.  We look good, we feel good.

It boosts our energy.  Regular exercise improves our muscle strength and endurance.

Can't sleep at night?  Try exercising.  Regular physical activity helps us fall asleep faster, and in a deeper sleep.  Just don't exercise too close to bedtime - you might have too much energy to fall asleep!

And I saved the best for last - it improves your sex life!  Exercise leaves you feeling and looking better which has a positive effect on your sex life.  It leads to enhanced arousal for women and men have a less problem with erectile dysfunction -  so get moving!

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