Saturday, November 1, 2014

And tomorrow it begins...

I just got back from doing my grocery shopping for The Ultimate Reset.  That's the 21 Day Detox/Cleanse that I'm doing through Beach Body and I'm really excited!!!  I know this won't be easy.  I know there will be days that I'm going to want to quit - but I won't!  I'm taking it one week at a time since it's designed to be a 3-phase system.

In phase 1 I'm going to reclaim my body and prepare myself for change!  I will remove red meat and dairy from my diet, get rid of the stress on my digestive system and get my body back to a healthy  pH balance!

By the looks of the foods that I just purchased my meals should be delicious!  I'm also excited because I will be trying foods that I've never had or prepared myself before. I spent 20 minutes looking for Jicama thinking it would be something long & white in the produce department like I see it in the jars - only fresh produce for this cleanse!  Right area, wrong look.  It's shaped like an onion and looks exactly like a potato - who knew?  Haha!

I order Tempeh out at restaurants all the time as an appetizer - I love it and am so looking forward to learning how to prepare it.  And Miso Soup - yum!!!  The honey I bought is unfiltered and RAW - it seems thicker and more opaque than the honey I'm used to but tastes delicious (yes, I snuck a taste).  I bought beets, fruits, seaweed, veggies galore, Salmon, black beans, sprouts, whole grain bread,
long grain brown rice (and a rice cooker)!  I love gadgets!!!  Just take a look at my refrigerator!  Is that not the healthiest fridge you've ever seen?

Don't forget to follow me along this journey and ask any questions you may have - I'll give you the honest truth.  Especially about the Seaweed - not sure how I feel about that purchase.  I guess I'll just close my eyes and pretend I just got sucker punched by the ocean - that should taste about right...

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