Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Phase 2 - Release
The Ultimate Reset

Days 8, 9 & 10!

During this second phase of the Ultimate Reset I will completely eliminate animal products.  I will be on a diet consisting of vegetables, fruits and whole grains.  This shouldn't be too difficult for me since I tried to eat mostly 75 - 85% like that anyhow.  We'll see though, I'm like a little kid when I'm told I can't have something haha!  The food is a little different, but still holding it's high regards to flavor and variety.  Of course there's the fruits for breakfast and veggies in the salads but some of the lunches and dinners are quite tasty!

One of the different breakfasts that I had besides fresh fruit was mashed chickpeas topped with Nori Gomasio.  It was pretty tasty.  Nori Gomasio is toasted and cracked sesame seeds mixed with Nori Seaweed.  The texture and taste was like hummus in a way, but with fresh garlic so spicy!  Even if a food is not going to be put into my recipe rotation I'm LOVING trying new things!  Lunches consisted of pinto beans and rice, salad, and Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper Bisque.  Now let's just talk about that for a second!  Um, YUM!!!

This was seriously something to look forward to!  It took a little prep work to make, but I thought it was well worth it!

Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper Bisque

1 Cup Water          
1 medium sweet potato or yam, peeled & cubed
1/4 medium red bell pepper
1 tsp finely grated Ginger Root
1 1/2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
2 tsp miso paste, mixed with 2 TBSP hot water
1 cup vegetable broth
BRAGG Liquid Aminos (optional to taste)
Herbal Seasoning to taste (Mrs Dash)

Cook sweet potato in 1 cup water until softened, about 5-7 minutes.  Drain and set aside.
Roast the Red Pepper on the girl or under broiler turning frequently until skin is evenly charred.  Place in a bowl, cover with a towel for around 10 minutes.  Peel skin off under running water.  Chop into 4 inch cubes.

Add all ingredients except the liquid Aminos & Mrs. Dash into a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.  If you like it hotter, heat in a saucepan stirring frequently.  Top with BRAGGS Liquid Aminos and Mrs Dash if desired.

Another winner that I really enjoyed is the Quinoa-Lentil Pilaf.  I really liked this recipe and can certainly see serving it as a side for my husband when he is having meat.  I'm not sure when I'll re-introduce meat back into my diet.  Going to ride this wave as long as I can!

This is becoming such a positive experience for me.  The only downside is that my husband is not following it so I am cooking two separate dinners.  That's ok though, he is my bigger supporter and I love him.  He doesn't mind having cereal, spaghettios or peanut butter and jelly every night :)  Just kidding - he gets Shakeology and LOVES it!  Well, Shakeology and some chicken...

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