Monday, November 24, 2014


Yee Haw!  The final phase of the Ultimate Reset is complete - phase 3 restore!  What a ride!  21 days of changing my eating habits, cleansing my body from all sorts of toxins and learning that I had the
discipline and determination to do it really was a confidence booster!  21 DAYS!!!  

I'm not going to sit here and tell you the last week was easy - it wasn't.  Phase 3, or the restore phase, eliminated all grains and legumes and left me to focus on an all plant based diet - only fruits and vegetables.  Normally that would be ok but it's getting close to winter and the fruit wasn't my favorite!  I tried not to eat any fruit high in sugar like grapes and bananas but sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.  The berries, kiwi and other low-glycemic fruits were just too sour so I needed to balance them out on some days - but I did it!  The portions were able to be larger but 4 cups of fruit is a lot on anyone's measurements.

I started every day off with my bowl of fruit, usually had the microgreen salad & baked sweet potato for lunch and dinners were a combination of some type of veggies.  On day 19 dinner did include Baked Tempeh which for me was a life saver!  Remember I still worked out as best I could during this reset so fruits and veggies weren't exactly easily cutting it and filling.  I may or may not have snuck in 1/2 tsp of peanut butter on the 3rd day of phase 3...

The only really new recipes I made during this phase were the Avocado Cucumber soup (which I was really looking forward to) and the Asian Stir Fry.  Wasn't a fan of the soup which really disappointed me but the stir fry was good!   Of course, all I kept thinking was this would be REALLY good with brown rice or quinoa but just veggies it was!  I also LOVED the Roasted Fennel Bulb!  It was a sweet, kinda savory licorice tasting veggie that I had never had.  It was delicious!  That will definitely be added to my roasted root veggies to give it an extra kick!

How much weight did I lose you ask?  I lost close to 7 lbs - 6.6 to be exact!  I'll take it!  This isn't touted as a weight loss regiment but rather a detox to get so many of the bad toxins our bodies are faced with every day like smoke (can you say fire pits), chemicals like hair spray, makeup and perfumes - just toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis.  Things like these cause internal inflammations that we don't even know about and I personally have developed a dairy intolerance so eliminating that one source made a huge difference!

Would I recommend this to others?  Yes.  You really must be prepared to do it and have the right mindset.  It seemed like a LOT of prep work and cooking but if you embrace the process you'll be fine!  There are quick start meals as well that you could choose from to make life easier for this detox but hey, I'm not easy!  For some unknown reason to my conscience I do much better the harder I make things...Who knows - go figure...

I was also amazed that I did lose weight because let me tell you I was eating a lot!  I guess that's the true beauty of eating whole, unprocessed foods!

So I'm leaving you with one last recipe: 

 The Roasted Fennel Bulb
1 large fennel bulb, greens and root removed - cut into chunks
1 tsp Extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 tsp Himalayan Sea Salt

Combine Fennel with olive oil and salt in a small bowl and mix well.  Arrange on a single layered baking sheet.  Bake for 25-40 minutes or until golden and tender.  Only the easiest recipe ever!!!

Thanks for tuning in and following my journey!  There were some days just knowing that you all were reading that kept me going!!!

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