Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Ultimate Reset is moving along!

I have to say so far I am loving everything about this Reset - especially the food!  I can't believe how much I am able to eat - 3 meals and a snack if needed.  Two days I did, two days I didn't. I just finished day 5 and I feel really good!  I don't even think about coffee and the foods I mindlessly ate DAILY like dark chocolate chips, peanut butter and crackers or crunch.  That's not to say I won't have them anymore - if you know me that's not going to happen - but I am delighted  to know that I don't HAVE to have them!  I also didn't really have any side effects so far which surprises me.  I did prepare my hubby for tears, aches, crankiness and other feelings that I thought would be from detoxing but there's been no difference.  According to Jim I was always crying, cranky, achy...(just kidding :))

The food for days 4 & 5 were a wonderful variety.   I've had fresh fruit , yogurt and pure maple syrup or creamed rice, walnuts, apples and syrup for breakfast.  Lunch was either Nori rolls with smoked tempeh, rice, avocado & cucumber or a lemony lentil or couscous salad, veggies & hummus.  Dinner both nights because I loved it SO MUCH was stir fried veggies & Quinoa and a baked sweet potato.  And yes, everyday I'm drinking the green stuff aka Alkalinize.  It's actually not as bad as I first said - must be growing on me!  All in all this has been a great gig.  I've made my first "sushi rolls" with the Tempeh.  First time rolled like a charm - second day not so much but it was still delicious.  And I LOVED the cream of rice breakfast - who knew?  I do miss having my Shakeology everyday but that is what I use as my snack when needed, so it's not completely eliminated.  Love my daily dose of dense nutrition!  

If you have any questions, please post below - I would love to talk to you!

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