Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Do you like Lentils?
Then you'll LOVE this!

I made my husband Jim a Turkey meatloaf a few weeks back while I was doing Beachbody's Ultimate Detox and have been hungry for meatloaf ever since!  I just am not ready to add a ton of animal protein back into my diet, and every day it was too late to make this Lentil Loaf recipe because I never had the lentils prepared!

Well, I made the lentils and couldn't wait to try this one out.  It is a vegan recipe from the creator of Oh She Glows and it is hearty, sweet, savory and downright DELICIOUS!

(This is her photo)!

It does take a little bit of prep work, but I found that eating clean and healthy using whole ingredients usually does!  This was total comfort food!


1 cup uncooked lentils (I used precooked - didn't hold together as pretty, but was fine)
1 cup walnuts, toasted and finely chopped
3 tbsp ground flax + 1/2 cup of water (whisk together and set aside)
3 garlic cloves, minced
1.5 cups sweet onion, diced
1 cup celery, diced
1 cup grated carrot
1/3 cup peeled and chopped sweet apple
1/3 cup of raisins (I used craisins)
1/2 cup of oat flour
3/4 cup of breadcrumbs
3/4 tsp of dried thyme
salt & pepper, to taste
red pepper flakes, to taste

Balsamic Apple Glaze

1/4 cup of ketchup
1 tbsp pure maple syrup
2 tbsp apple butter ( I used unsweetened applesauce)
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar

Preheat oven to 325*.  toast your walnuts for around 8 minutes, set aside.

Raise temp to 350*.  Rinse and strain your lentils.  Place into a pot with 3 cups of water and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat, simmer uncovered for 40-45 minutes.  Stir frequently.  The goal is to overcook the lentils a bit so you can slightly mash them with a spoon.

Heat tsp of oil in a skillet over medium heat.  Salute the garlic and onion for about 5 minutes.  Add in diced celery, shredded carrot and apple, and the raisins.  Salute for about 5 minutes more.  Remove from heat.

In a large mixing bowl, combine all of the ingredients together, season with the thyme and red pepper.

Grease loaf pan and line with parchment paper.  Press mixture firmly into pan.  Whisk together the glaze ingredients, and spread 1/2 of mixture evenly on top.  Save the rest for a delicious dipping sauce!

Bake at 350* uncovered for 45-50 minutes.  Edges will be slightly browned.  Cool in pan for at least 10 minutes before transferring to a cooling rack.  Let cool some more before slicing.  ENJOY!

  I'm not vegan, but if this how the food tastes I may just convert!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Clean Eating Peanut Butter Cups?
My Life is Complete!

Anyone who knows me knows that I love peanut butter.  And Dark Chocolate.  Separate, together, in cakes, on spoons - however you want to dish it out.  And I found myself digging into the jar while adding chocolate chips on top a little too much.  I was hungry for these and was trying to recreate them.  It was good, really good.  The problem was when you dig into treats that way they don't seem like real treats, like they're invisible or something!  And my spoonfuls got a little bigger and a little more frequent.

Enter the clean eating Reese's!  There are so many different recipes you can find on Pinterest.  My good friend Jaissa forwarded me this one.  It uses all whole, clean ingredients right down to the cacao powder and madagascar vanilla.  It does have a little bit of a coconut taste to it as well because of the coconut oil but I'll take that over preservatives and high fructose corn syrup any day!  Give them a try - I hope they hit the spot!  Just don't eat all of them at one sitting...


1/2 cup of Coconut Oil  (melted but not hot)
1/2 cup of Cacao powder (you could use cocoa but there's sugar in some)
1/4 cup of Raw Honey
1/2 tsp of pure vanilla extract (I used Madagascar vanilla from William Sonoma)

Mix all ingredients together until well blended.  Spread a spoonful evenly into cupcake liners.  I used mini.  Place in freezer to set for about 5 minutes.  Spread Natural Peanut butter on these once they have set, then cover with the remaining chocolate mixture.  Freeze and Enjoy!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Hubby's Favorite
Italian Potato Soup

Have you ever had one of those meals that your spouse asks you to make over and over and over again?  Well, this just may be another -especially since cold weather and the infamous football season is upon us!

I don't have an actual picture for this like my other posts - you just have to trust me on this one!  But you can enjoy looking at this cold winter scene while you're dreaming of this hot soup!  ;)

Italian Potato Soup

8 ounces of Turkey Sausage  (I use 1/2 hot, 1/2 sweet)
3 cups of chopped red skinned potatoes, skin on
1/2 cup of chopped onion (Jim hates onion so I omit this - never missed it)
1 (15) oz can Italian style tomatoes, low salt if you can find them
1 TBSP each of basil & parsley flakes
1 tsp each of oregano and salt
1 (15) oz can of tomato sauce  (many times I use leftover home made - about 2 cups)
2 (14) oz cans of chicken broth
3 cups of water
finely chopped escarole, endive or kale - your choice  I always use escarole.

Saute' the sausage in a 5-6 quart saucepan until the fat is rendered.  You can use links that you cut into coins or loose sausage - doesn't matter!  Drain the fat.  Add the potatoes and onion and cook for just a few minutes.  Add the rest of the ingredients except the greens.  Bring to a boil and reduce heat and cook until the potatoes are tender.  Add chopped greens in at the end and continue to cook for around 10 minutes or until they've wilted.  Kale usually takes a little longer.  Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese if you'd like.

Serve with a salad and Italian bread and you have yourself a meal!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Kale & Brussels Sprouts Salad with
Butternut Squash, Pomegranate
Candied Pecans


1 small butternut squash, peeled & cubed
1 TBSP olive oil
Pinch of Sea Salt
1 small bunch of Kale, finely chopped
1 lb Brussels Sprouts, finely chopped
1 cup pomegranate seeds
1/2 cup candied pecans
1/3 cup shredded Parmesan Cheese


1/4 cup olive oil
2 TBSP apple cider vinegar
1 tsp dijon mustard
1 small clove of garlic
2 tsps shallot, minced
Salt & pepper to taste
1 tsp raw honey

Preheat oven to 400*.  Place cubed squash in baking pan.  Drizzle with olive oil, salt & pepper.  Roast 25-30 minutes or until tender.  Remove and set aside.

Place kale in a large bowl and sprinkle with sea salt.  Massage leaves for 2 minutes or until they soften and begin to wilt.  Stir in chopped Brussels Sprouts, squash, pomegranate seeds, candied pecans and parmesan cheese.  Season with salt & pepper.  Pour on dressing and toss to coat.

*I also added chopped figs because, well, I'm addicted to them :)!

serves around 6

This recipe is by Two Peas & Their Pod

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

New year coming,  New Me here!

We have one month left in the year 2014.  What's in store for you in 2015?  I know what is NOT in store for me - going back to bad habits!  It took me a while to figure out that clean eating, regular exercise and optimal nutrition is the way to lose weight, keep it off and look healthy and happy.  I've done them all - fasting, low carb, no carb, vegan, vegetarian, only fruits & salads and at times only meat!!!  I don't know what I was thinking!  But I do know now what has helped me get into the best shape of my life.  It's discipline.  It's eating real food.  It's exercising!  Is my diet perfect?  Nope - not at all.  But for the most part I follow the 90/10 rule.  90% healthy, 10% not so much.  I also don't miss a day of my Shakeology.  It has ALL of my nutritional needs in one delicious shake!  So I don't worry on special days now where in the past - everyday I would fret and ultimately blew my diet, again.  I was out of shape, didn't feel good about myself.  My diet already sucked so why bother trying?  I bothered trying because I was unhappy with myself.  Period.  No one was going to do it for me but me. Period.

I was a marathon runner for Pete's sake - how could this happen?  Excuses.  Temptation.  Low discipline.  I get it.  I know it's hard.  Exercise is hard.  But what was harder was being uncomfortable in my own skin.  You might say I picked my hard and exercise and nutrition was it!  Now, everything is easy.  It's not even about being thin for me - it's about being HEALTHY.  No more back pain.  No more bloating.  No more depression.   I look at the pictures above and what was hard was being like that.

 Everyday now until December 31 I'm going to post a healthy recipe for you to enjoy.  One with clean, natural ingredients to help me stay on track and possibly get you on track!  I love doing this and this is my thank you to you for motivating me!  Let this be the jumpstart you need, or just plain enjoy the recipes!

I love these Millet, Feta and raisin fritters - I even enjoy them cold!

Have a great Day!

Monday, November 24, 2014


Yee Haw!  The final phase of the Ultimate Reset is complete - phase 3 restore!  What a ride!  21 days of changing my eating habits, cleansing my body from all sorts of toxins and learning that I had the
discipline and determination to do it really was a confidence booster!  21 DAYS!!!  

I'm not going to sit here and tell you the last week was easy - it wasn't.  Phase 3, or the restore phase, eliminated all grains and legumes and left me to focus on an all plant based diet - only fruits and vegetables.  Normally that would be ok but it's getting close to winter and the fruit wasn't my favorite!  I tried not to eat any fruit high in sugar like grapes and bananas but sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.  The berries, kiwi and other low-glycemic fruits were just too sour so I needed to balance them out on some days - but I did it!  The portions were able to be larger but 4 cups of fruit is a lot on anyone's measurements.

I started every day off with my bowl of fruit, usually had the microgreen salad & baked sweet potato for lunch and dinners were a combination of some type of veggies.  On day 19 dinner did include Baked Tempeh which for me was a life saver!  Remember I still worked out as best I could during this reset so fruits and veggies weren't exactly easily cutting it and filling.  I may or may not have snuck in 1/2 tsp of peanut butter on the 3rd day of phase 3...

The only really new recipes I made during this phase were the Avocado Cucumber soup (which I was really looking forward to) and the Asian Stir Fry.  Wasn't a fan of the soup which really disappointed me but the stir fry was good!   Of course, all I kept thinking was this would be REALLY good with brown rice or quinoa but just veggies it was!  I also LOVED the Roasted Fennel Bulb!  It was a sweet, kinda savory licorice tasting veggie that I had never had.  It was delicious!  That will definitely be added to my roasted root veggies to give it an extra kick!

How much weight did I lose you ask?  I lost close to 7 lbs - 6.6 to be exact!  I'll take it!  This isn't touted as a weight loss regiment but rather a detox to get so many of the bad toxins our bodies are faced with every day like smoke (can you say fire pits), chemicals like hair spray, makeup and perfumes - just toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis.  Things like these cause internal inflammations that we don't even know about and I personally have developed a dairy intolerance so eliminating that one source made a huge difference!

Would I recommend this to others?  Yes.  You really must be prepared to do it and have the right mindset.  It seemed like a LOT of prep work and cooking but if you embrace the process you'll be fine!  There are quick start meals as well that you could choose from to make life easier for this detox but hey, I'm not easy!  For some unknown reason to my conscience I do much better the harder I make things...Who knows - go figure...

I was also amazed that I did lose weight because let me tell you I was eating a lot!  I guess that's the true beauty of eating whole, unprocessed foods!

So I'm leaving you with one last recipe: 

 The Roasted Fennel Bulb
1 large fennel bulb, greens and root removed - cut into chunks
1 tsp Extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 tsp Himalayan Sea Salt

Combine Fennel with olive oil and salt in a small bowl and mix well.  Arrange on a single layered baking sheet.  Bake for 25-40 minutes or until golden and tender.  Only the easiest recipe ever!!!

Thanks for tuning in and following my journey!  There were some days just knowing that you all were reading that kept me going!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Ultimate Reset Days 11, 12, 13 &14
The Bomb.com!!!

Wow, the first two weeks were awesome.  The only complaint that I believe I have are the dishes I used to cook everything in and the clean up afterwards.  I'm kind of a fly by the seat of my pants kinda girl so I think it would have been better had I prepped everything but that's just not me!  Another week has gone by and I am still so satisfied with the food!

I'm feeling really good too!  I finally had enough energy to get good workouts in, although I can tell they're still not 100%.  That is the only thing I really didn't follow on this plan to a T.  I need my workouts.  I did about 50% capacity and in the beginning of the detox that 50% felt like 110%.  I did take a few days off.

Still sleeping really good which is amazing to me!  I'm such a light sleeper and now when it's bedtime it's lights out for this girl!

Some of the foods I've eaten during this last week were Vegetable Miso soup, Mediterranean Roasted Beets, Quinoa- Lentil Pilaf, fruit, micro-green salads, Coconut Collard Greens & Edamame and Roasted Corn Succotash!  OH MY LORD...   OOH, and Kabocha Squash with a garlic-Tahini filling!

So many people were commenting on the Kabocha Squash so here is the recipe as promised!!!  I thought it was really good and the Tahini filling for some reason reminded me of peanut butter.  There was definitely a nutty taste to it and no doubt I have peanut butter on my mind.  That is the ONE THING that I really do miss...

Kabocha Squash with Garlic-Tahini Filling

1 Kabocha Squash, halved and seeded
4 TBSP sesame tahini
2 tsp miso paste
1 tsp clove garlic, chopped
2 tsp extra virgin olive oil

Preheat oven to 400*  Place squash halves on a lightly sprayed baking sheet.  Combine tahini, miso, garlic and oil in a small bowl.  Mix well.  Cover squash evenly with the tahini mixture making sure to get some on the top edges.  Bake for 30 minutes or until fork tender.  Enjoy!

I also loved the Coconut Collard Greens!  

1 1/2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
1/4 medium onion, diced
1/2 bunch of collard greens, stems removed, cut into 1/2 inch strips
1/4 cup of coconut milk
1 dash Himalayan Sea Salt (optional)

Heat oil in large skillet over medium high heat.  Add onions & cook, stirring frequently 8-10 minutes or until golden brown and soft.  Add collard greens and coconut milk.  Cook, stirring frequently for 10 minutes or until greens are very tender.  Add Himalayan Sea Salt if desired.

Now on to week three - the final phase of this detox.  This phase, called restore, eliminates all grains and legumes and focuses on a simple, cleansing fruit and vegetable based diet.  I'm looking forward to it!  As an added bonus, I'm down 5 lbs - and I felt like all I was doing was eating!  I didn't do this cleanse to lose weight but rather to rid my body of toxins that I know have built up n my body over the years!  But down 5 lbs?!  Hey, I'll take it!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Phase 2 - Release
The Ultimate Reset

Days 8, 9 & 10!

During this second phase of the Ultimate Reset I will completely eliminate animal products.  I will be on a diet consisting of vegetables, fruits and whole grains.  This shouldn't be too difficult for me since I tried to eat mostly 75 - 85% like that anyhow.  We'll see though, I'm like a little kid when I'm told I can't have something haha!  The food is a little different, but still holding it's high regards to flavor and variety.  Of course there's the fruits for breakfast and veggies in the salads but some of the lunches and dinners are quite tasty!

One of the different breakfasts that I had besides fresh fruit was mashed chickpeas topped with Nori Gomasio.  It was pretty tasty.  Nori Gomasio is toasted and cracked sesame seeds mixed with Nori Seaweed.  The texture and taste was like hummus in a way, but with fresh garlic so spicy!  Even if a food is not going to be put into my recipe rotation I'm LOVING trying new things!  Lunches consisted of pinto beans and rice, salad, and Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper Bisque.  Now let's just talk about that for a second!  Um, YUM!!!

This was seriously something to look forward to!  It took a little prep work to make, but I thought it was well worth it!

Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper Bisque

1 Cup Water          
1 medium sweet potato or yam, peeled & cubed
1/4 medium red bell pepper
1 tsp finely grated Ginger Root
1 1/2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
2 tsp miso paste, mixed with 2 TBSP hot water
1 cup vegetable broth
BRAGG Liquid Aminos (optional to taste)
Herbal Seasoning to taste (Mrs Dash)

Cook sweet potato in 1 cup water until softened, about 5-7 minutes.  Drain and set aside.
Roast the Red Pepper on the girl or under broiler turning frequently until skin is evenly charred.  Place in a bowl, cover with a towel for around 10 minutes.  Peel skin off under running water.  Chop into 4 inch cubes.

Add all ingredients except the liquid Aminos & Mrs. Dash into a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.  If you like it hotter, heat in a saucepan stirring frequently.  Top with BRAGGS Liquid Aminos and Mrs Dash if desired.

Another winner that I really enjoyed is the Quinoa-Lentil Pilaf.  I really liked this recipe and can certainly see serving it as a side for my husband when he is having meat.  I'm not sure when I'll re-introduce meat back into my diet.  Going to ride this wave as long as I can!

This is becoming such a positive experience for me.  The only downside is that my husband is not following it so I am cooking two separate dinners.  That's ok though, he is my bigger supporter and I love him.  He doesn't mind having cereal, spaghettios or peanut butter and jelly every night :)  Just kidding - he gets Shakeology and LOVES it!  Well, Shakeology and some chicken...

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Reclaim week of
The Ultimate Reset is complete!

Well, my first week of the Ultimate Reset is complete!  It went quickly and I learned so many new recipes!  All of my eating was conscious eating - no mindless snacking - how I used to be guilty of!  I can't believe how much I snacked before when not even hungry!  I took my supplements and alkalinize as directed and even got used to "the green stuff".  I know I said it was like pond scum on my first day, but really, we ended up having a friendly rivalry which is good because there's more to take!  FYI:  The Alkalinize  helps to neutralize excess acid in your system improving your overall ph level.  It promotes a strong immune system, anti-inflammatory responses and is essential for great health!
It was a combination of alf alfa, barley, kamut & organic wheat grasses!

On to some of my favorite recipes!

The baked Salmon was amazing! 

1 clove garlic
2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
1 Tbsp chopped fresh basil
1/2 tsp Himalayan Sea Salt
1/2 tsp herbal salt seasoning like Mrs Dash
1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 Tsp chopped fresh parsley
1 6 oz fillet wild caught salmon

Combine ingredients and pour over Salmon to marinate for at least 20 minutes, turning once. Place Salmon fillet on aluminum foil & cover with marinade.  Seal foil shut.  Bake at 350* for 20 minutes or until flakes easily with a fork.  Enjoy!

Another Fun favorite was making my own Nori Rolls with Tempeh!

1/2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
1 strip smokey tempeh
1 sheet Nori Seaweed
1/3 cup cooked brown rice
1/4 medium avocado sliced
1/4 medium carrot, match stick
1/4 cucumber, cut into thin strips
sesame seeds

Heat oil in skillet and brown Tempeh on each side, about 3-4 minutes.  Place Nori Seaweed on plate and top with rice, covering Nori 1/2 lengthwise.  Layer remaining ingredients and roll.  wet end of Nori Seaweed to seal.  Cut into slices.  *Use a sharp knife - it's tough to cut through!

And lastly, my favorite breakfast - Creamed rice with fruit, walnuts & syrup!

This was just plain old comfort food!  Cook the Rice cereal according to package directions & top with chopped green apple, chopped walnuts and 1 Tbsp of Pure Maple Syrup.  Life couldn't be easier!

Some of the side effects that I've felt were achy muscles at times but nothing too serious or that I couldn't handle.  That's about it!  One of the major things I've noticed on The Ultimate Reset besides my better eating habits - my SLEEP!  When my head hits the pillow I am out like a light!  I am such a light sleeper that that used to never happen! zzzzzzz.......

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Ultimate Reset is moving along!

I have to say so far I am loving everything about this Reset - especially the food!  I can't believe how much I am able to eat - 3 meals and a snack if needed.  Two days I did, two days I didn't. I just finished day 5 and I feel really good!  I don't even think about coffee and the foods I mindlessly ate DAILY like dark chocolate chips, peanut butter and crackers or crunch.  That's not to say I won't have them anymore - if you know me that's not going to happen - but I am delighted  to know that I don't HAVE to have them!  I also didn't really have any side effects so far which surprises me.  I did prepare my hubby for tears, aches, crankiness and other feelings that I thought would be from detoxing but there's been no difference.  According to Jim I was always crying, cranky, achy...(just kidding :))

The food for days 4 & 5 were a wonderful variety.   I've had fresh fruit , yogurt and pure maple syrup or creamed rice, walnuts, apples and syrup for breakfast.  Lunch was either Nori rolls with smoked tempeh, rice, avocado & cucumber or a lemony lentil or couscous salad, veggies & hummus.  Dinner both nights because I loved it SO MUCH was stir fried veggies & Quinoa and a baked sweet potato.  And yes, everyday I'm drinking the green stuff aka Alkalinize.  It's actually not as bad as I first said - must be growing on me!  All in all this has been a great gig.  I've made my first "sushi rolls" with the Tempeh.  First time rolled like a charm - second day not so much but it was still delicious.  And I LOVED the cream of rice breakfast - who knew?  I do miss having my Shakeology everyday but that is what I use as my snack when needed, so it's not completely eliminated.  Love my daily dose of dense nutrition!  

If you have any questions, please post below - I would love to talk to you!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

DAY 2 is in the Books!

I finished day two and let me tell you the food I'm eating in Fantastic!  There's usually plenty of it and I feel light and energized.  I did have my Shakeology for a snack today because I seemed really hungry.  Chocolate covered Strawberry - seriously?  This is my kind of Detox!  I worked out in the morning and felt really good, however by the end of the day had a terrible migraine.  It could have been changing my eating habits and working out, but I was also doing a TON of computer work.  I've read that headaches could be a form of detoxing so we'll see!  I do miss my crunchy snacks, but have discovered that that was just mindless eating.  I haven't gone off of the program at all but was surprised to find that everytime I went into the kitchen I instantly thought about a handful of crackers or nuts.  I've been drinking all of my mineralized water - almost a gallon each day!  I even like it hot first thing in the morning like a pseudo coffee haha!  The only bad thing I can report is drinking the alkalinize - it's like doing a shot of pond scum.  It's not easy to do but then again, neither was Jack Daniels!  Close your eyes, hold your breath and shoot it back!  I also wear my bracelet to keep me accountable on this journey - it's funny how we all create our own little security blankets when doing something new.

 Did I mention the food?  Don't mean to be so obsessed but I am amazed!  Made a black bean and rice taco for dinner.  I used a real corn tortilla - not the fried in the box or the flour.  OMG is all I can say! For breakfast there was oatmeal, blueberries & organic yogurt sweetened with real maple syrup.  Lunch was another fabulous Greek salad and the tacos for dinner - see what I mean?  I've never made my own salad dressings before and don't think I'll ever go back to store bought.  I think this detox is just the kick in the pants that I need!!!  Below is the recipe for the creamy garlic dressing - Enjoy!

Creamy Garlic Salad Dressing

1/2 Cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/4 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
3 cloves of garlic, crushed
3 TBSP fresh lemon juice
2 TBSP chopped fresh parsley
1 Tsp Himalayan Sea Salt
1/2 Tsp Dijon Mustard
1 TBSP Raw Honey or Pure Maple Syrup  (I used Honey).
Blend everything until smooth.  Refrigerate any unused portions - let set to room temperature if solidifies for next use.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Day 1 - DONE!!!


I have to say that the first day went pretty much as expected.  The anticipation always makes things easier for me - like the first run of the season.  You go out feeling like a million bucks, have an easy run and go farther than you expected.  Then there's tomorrow...

But we'll see.  So far so good.  And talk about good - how about this FOOD?

I had eggs, whole grain toast & steamed spinach for breakfast, A fantastic salad loaded with toasted pumpkin seeds, some sprouts and jicama topped with a homemade creamy garlic dressing and Miso soup for lunch and OUTSTANDING marinated Salmon, boiled potatoes and steamed asparagus for dinner.  It was all really very good - well, the miso soup was OK but that's my issue... So far it's been really good.  I weighed in at 124.4 this morning so we'll see - this was a lot of food!  And a lot of water, but there's no better drink for you than water!  
#beachbodyultimatereset  #myfirstday #joinme

Saturday, November 1, 2014

And tomorrow it begins...

I just got back from doing my grocery shopping for The Ultimate Reset.  That's the 21 Day Detox/Cleanse that I'm doing through Beach Body and I'm really excited!!!  I know this won't be easy.  I know there will be days that I'm going to want to quit - but I won't!  I'm taking it one week at a time since it's designed to be a 3-phase system.

In phase 1 I'm going to reclaim my body and prepare myself for change!  I will remove red meat and dairy from my diet, get rid of the stress on my digestive system and get my body back to a healthy  pH balance!

By the looks of the foods that I just purchased my meals should be delicious!  I'm also excited because I will be trying foods that I've never had or prepared myself before. I spent 20 minutes looking for Jicama thinking it would be something long & white in the produce department like I see it in the jars - only fresh produce for this cleanse!  Right area, wrong look.  It's shaped like an onion and looks exactly like a potato - who knew?  Haha!

I order Tempeh out at restaurants all the time as an appetizer - I love it and am so looking forward to learning how to prepare it.  And Miso Soup - yum!!!  The honey I bought is unfiltered and RAW - it seems thicker and more opaque than the honey I'm used to but tastes delicious (yes, I snuck a taste).  I bought beets, fruits, seaweed, veggies galore, Salmon, black beans, sprouts, whole grain bread,
long grain brown rice (and a rice cooker)!  I love gadgets!!!  Just take a look at my refrigerator!  Is that not the healthiest fridge you've ever seen?

Don't forget to follow me along this journey and ask any questions you may have - I'll give you the honest truth.  Especially about the Seaweed - not sure how I feel about that purchase.  I guess I'll just close my eyes and pretend I just got sucker punched by the ocean - that should taste about right...

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Pumpkin Spice Muffins Oh My...

If you like the nutty texture and flavor of almonds, the creaminess, moistness and fragrance of pumpkin and the savory richness of dark chocolate, then these clean eating Pumpkin Spice Muffins are your new best friend.  Taken from the recipes of the Dessert Angel these are sure to be a keeper in your Fall rotation.  But be careful!  You'll want to eat them all in one sitting.

Check out the site of The Dessert Angel for all sorts of clean eating treats!  She has cookies, pies, muffins and more!

The Dessert Angel uses all natural ingredients such as almond flour & coconut flour instead of processed white.  She uses dates, honey, bananas & molasses as natural sweeteners.   That's the beauty of clean eating - no processed ingredients.  Just whole, good natural foods.  But again, be careful if you're on a weight loss journey!  It will come naturally as you start your lifestyle on clean eating, but it's not a free pass to eat the entire dozen in one sitting - even though you'll want to!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

"I'm living large..."

That's right - we are in charge of our own accomplishments.  We are capable of achieving so much more than we think we can - we just need to believe.  We build walls around ourselves because of fear - fear of failure - even fear of success.  We need to tear those walls down and keep moving forward.  We fear we will try something and fail at it.  Guess what - we might.  Guess what else?  Who cares?  You tried.  That's a success right there.  Failure is never failing if you've learned from it. Use it to figure out what to do differently next time.  I personally have failed many times - I'm proud of that!  I've gone outside of my comfort zone,  tried new things and had a blast.  Sometimes with my head held high, sometimes face down, but I did it!  What have you tried before and failed at?

People say if you've never failed you've never really lived.  I'm living large!!!    :)

Monday, October 6, 2014

Just a little tip...

I know it's Monday right now but I want to tell you that I love Sundays!!!  It's my day of Rest and Relaxation!  I love to take the dogs for a walk, not worry about any housework and HAVE BREAKFAST!  You all know I love my Shakeology during the week for breakfast and on Saturdays.  But come Sunday - that's a different story - it's eggs, muffins, pancakes or as in this past  Sunday, Quiche!  I still try to be authentic in the way I eat and this recipe not only keeps the quiche "clean" but it is delicious!  Served with a side of bacon if you choose and some fruit and you've got yourself one delicious way to start your day!

Instead of using a pie crust for the base of your quiche, try using sliced Sweet, Russet or Red potatoes.  It tastes so good and doesn't leave you with the heavy feeling (or calories) that a pie crust does.  Pictured here is a Mushroom Quiche but the substitution for the crust can be for any quiche.  The sky's your limit!  Just make sure you slice your potatoes thin.  Layer them overlapping on the pie pan and lightly spray or brush the edges with olive oil.  Fill with whatever quiche  ingredients you like and bake!  Happy Eating!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Homemade Granola, Homemade Goodness

We all grew up loving the crunchy goodness of Nature Valley Granola bars.  Ah, Oats 'n Honey, Peanut butter, Chocolate chip.  They were all my favorite and a great go-to for a quick snack or breakfast.  Let's make our own!  It's easy and you can basically add what you like for your sweet tooth.  A handful of granola with fresh fruit is the perfect pick-me-up for your day!


3 cups Rolled Oats
1/2 cup chopped Walnuts
1/4 - 1/2 Cup pumpkin seeds
1/2 + cup unsweetened applesauce (might need a little extra for mixing)
1/4 cup of honey
2 tsps of cinnamon
1/4 cup dried cranberries

Preheat oven to 325*  Whisk together your applesauce and honey.  Blend well with remaining ingredients.  Spread on a Parchment lined cookie sheet.  Bake 45 minutes until it feels dry and has a nice golden color.  Allow to cool before eating.

*After granola has cooled a good bit, I add Dark Chocolate Morsels - about 1/4 cup to add the yummy sweetness of chocolate!  I LOVE CHOCOLATE!  Experiment with YOUR favorite flavor!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

It takes 21 days to change a habit. It doesn't matter if it's getting up 1/2 hour earlier, going out for a run or to the gym, changing your eating habits or even quitting a healthy routine. 21 Days. 3 weeks. 504 hours. That's it. That is what it takes to have it register in your brain that this is a new routine. Good OR Bad. After that - you got yourself a new habit! I think that's why it's so easy to fall off of the path of healthy eating and exercise. You fall off the wagon for one day, which leads to the next and the next. Now that habit is registered. I've fallen off that track before. You just have to take a deep breath and jump back on! Follow me on my 21 day journey of clean eating. I'm going to follow my 21 Day Fix portion controlled containers and help people get back into the habit of clean, healthy eating! Below is my menu for week 1 - join me! Monday September, 29, 2014 123.6 lbs. Let's see where this goes!

Monday, September 22, 2014

This is a video of P90 coming out this Fall that is perfect for all levels of fitness. It's from the creator of Power 90 and all of the P90 x series' Tony Horton. He knocked it out of the park with this program creating a system that is perfect for those of us who are in our 50"s & 60"s, yet still challenging enough for everyone else. No longer do we need to be intimidated by P90x because this P90 goes back to the basics. Check it out - it'll give you goosebumps!

Thursday, September 18, 2014


    Balsamic lovers unite!  If you like the sweet, tart flavor of balsamic vinegar then this recipe is for you.  Enjoyed by Italians for hundreds of years, balsamic vinegar really just made it's way to the states in the past two decades.  Thank you goes out to the upscale restaurants and their creative chefs!  The vinegar, paired with a little olive oil, garlic, bay leaf and pepper lends itself to the perfect "gravy" for this chicken and mushroom dish.  Serve over a whole grain pasta or brown rice and you have heaven on a plate!  Let the flavors simmer and enjoy.   Mangia!

     Balsamic Chicken & Mushrooms

4 Boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 package mushrooms (I used sliced baby bella)
3 tsp minced garlic
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup low sodium chicken broth (can also use vegatable broth)
1 bay leaf
1/4 tsp dried thyme
cooking spray
olive oil

Season chicken with salt and pepper.  Spray non stick skillet with cooking spray and heat to medium high.  Add a dash of olive oil, then chicken.  Brown on one side, turn and add garlic and mushrooms. Stir to mix garlic oil with mushrooms & meat.  Cook for approximately 4 minutes, then add the vinegar, broth, bay leaf, and thyme.  Cover and simmer over medium low heat until chicken is cooked through, about 10 minutes.  Remove chicken and keep warm until the sauce "cooks" down simmering uncovered for about 7 minutes.  Pour gravy over chicken, serve and enjoy!  

*sometimes I add a little corn starch to help thicken the sauce.

This dish is served with brown rice, green beans & a touch of parmesan.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Shakeology, the healthiest meal of my day!  Watch this quick video and learn what Shakeology is all about.  The truth is,  even though we are feeding our bodies throughout the day we are not properly fueling them.  That is why we have cravings.  That is why we get tired mid-afternoon.  That is why we either gain, or cannot lose weight.  Give your body the proper nutrition it needs and it will thank you ten fold in return!   I love it because it's quick, convenient and I can take it with me wherever I go.  It has seriously cut down on my cravings and I feel more energized.  I have also been able to maintain my weight loss which we know when you hit the big 50 that's sometimes not easy to do!  My favorite flavor is the vegan chocolate, but I really do like them all - just a chocolate girl at heart here :)  Try it for one month and if you don't like it, send it back!  That's the bottom of the bag guarantee!


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

All of this talk about Clean Eating and a healthy lifestyle leads to this next post:  EXERCISE!  It is one of the most important things we can do for our bodies.  We know it's good for us, but why?

It controls our weight.  Along with a clean eating diet, exercise helps prevent weight gain and maintain a weight loss.  Exercise burns calories, and the more intense, the more you burn.  30 minutes a day is all we really need.

It combats health conditions like heart disease, strokes, type 2 diabetes, depression, arthritis - the list goes on.  Being active boosts HDL, or your "good" cholesterol which decreases unhealthy the ones and keeps your blood flowing smoothly.

It improves our mood.  Feeling better about our appearances boosts our confidence and self-esteem.  We look good, we feel good.

It boosts our energy.  Regular exercise improves our muscle strength and endurance.

Can't sleep at night?  Try exercising.  Regular physical activity helps us fall asleep faster, and in a deeper sleep.  Just don't exercise too close to bedtime - you might have too much energy to fall asleep!

And I saved the best for last - it improves your sex life!  Exercise leaves you feeling and looking better which has a positive effect on your sex life.  It leads to enhanced arousal for women and men have a less problem with erectile dysfunction -  so get moving!